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Pediatric Urgent Care of Northern Colorado will be CLOSED 12pm-2:30pm on Thursday, 5/9 for an all staff training. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Cut the Wait Times: Urgent Care Instead of ER

Wait Time Urgent Care

When your child is ill or injured, you want her to receive care as quickly as possible. In many cases, that care will come most quickly at an urgent care facility instead of an emergency room thanks because of shorter wait times.

Wait Times

While we’re trained to think of ER staff springing to respond to patients as they walk in the door, the reality is much different: Anyone who has visited an ER for a nonemergency health condition, particularly after hours or on weekends, will tell you that wait times can be lengthy.

Triage System

That’s because of emergency rooms’ triage system. Simply put, the most life-threatening conditions receive treatment first, so patients suffering major issues, like heart attacks, severe injuries or strokes, are bumped to the front of the line. Less urgent complaints, like broken bones or asthma attacks, are not as prioritized. That means you may be stuck in waiting-room limbo much longer than you’d like.

First-Come, First-Served

At Pediatric Urgent Care of Northern Colorado, patients are typically served on a first-come, first-served basis. We’re not dealing with life-threatening situations. That means you’re likely to get in, get your child the treatment he needs, and be resting at home significantly faster than if you chose the ER.

Know Where to Go

Of course, it’s important to know when to go to an ER and when to go to urgent care, and as with any life-threatening illness, you should always immediately call 911. In many cases, however, we’re here to serve you.