Child Proofing Medicine

More than 60,000 children receive treatment in a hospital for accidental ingestion of medicines each year, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. While it’s easy to remember to child-proof noxious cleaning supplies and other obviously dangerous household chemicals, many parents overlook the dangers even over-the-counter medicines can pose to children. Child-proofing medicine is just as important to your little one’s safety.

Keeping your child safe from accidental ingestion of medicine is an ongoing project for many parents. Ensure your child is safe by following guidelines for child-proofing medicine cabinets.

Keep medicines out of reach

The best way to keep medical supplies from being accidentally ingested is to keep little hands away from them. You probably already store medicines in a place your kids can’t reach, but be mindful when administering them to other children that young ones don’t get to them.

Don’t rely on packaging

Child-resistant packaging is a great tool for keeping kids safe, but it’s not failsafe. Don’t count on child-resistant containers to keep children away from medicine.

Keep an eye on visitors

Guests at your home may not be as vigilant about the dangers of unsecured medicine as you are. Make sure guests keep medicines – and any purses or bags that contain them – out of reach of young ones.

Mind your dosage

Sometimes parents cause emergencies, too. Always follow instructions when administering over-the-counter and prescription medicines, and be wary of potential interactions with other medicines.

Understand the allure

The temptation to play with medicines is strong. Many are brightly colored and attractive or reminiscent of candy, while other kids just want to model the behavior they see adults engaging.

Child-proofing medicine is as much about being aware of its place in your home and adjusting behavior and storage practices. Don’t let your child be one of the 164 children who seek treatment for accidental medicine ingestion every day.