Spring Break Safety Tips

Spring break is just around the corner! If you’re traveling with the kids, don’t forget to check “Travel Vaccinations” off your to-do list. Our sister company, The Youth Clinic, offers Travel Clinics to help make sure you and your family enjoy a worry-free vacation.

If this is your first time traveling with your kids, you may not know that travel vaccinations are actually an essential part of holiday planning, especially if you’re heading to an exotic destination or somewhere “off the beaten path.” While many travel vaccines are targeted towards diseases typically found in the tropics, travel emergencies can happen anywhere. Please note, different countries have different health risks and may require specific vaccines. It’s important to let your physician know where you are traveling to so you can both plan accordingly.

The Youth Clinic Travel Clinics

  • Comprehensive & individualized assessment of travel itinerary & health history
  • Any necessary travel immunizations & prophylaxis
    • This includes: Hepatitis A, TdaP and Malaria
  • Information on travel illnesses
  • Advice on food & water safety
  • Completion of any necessary travel paperwork
  • Customized Travel Handbook & Travel Kit

We typically recommend getting the kids in at least six weeks prior to travel to ensure proper spacing of immunizations. If you are already within the six weeks, still give the Youth Clinic a call to schedule an appointment because you and your child will still benefit.

Spring Break Safety Tips & TRICKS

  • If traveling by airplane, allow your family extra time to get through security. It’s better to get there early than rush or miss your flight!
  • Consider having the kids wear shoes and outer layers of clothing that are easy to take off for security purposes.
  • Check with your airline but they usually allow families to bring a child’s car safety seat as an extra luggage item at no extra charge.
  • Be prepared: pack a bag of toys and snacks to keep the kids entertained, especially during long flights.
  • Wash hands frequently and consider bringing hand sanitizer to prevent illness during travel.
  • Always bring mosquito protection to countries where mosquito-borne diseases are present.
  • Be mindful of what you eat and drink.
  • Most rental car companies can arrange for a car safety seat if you are unable to bring your own.
  • Do not touch animals such as monkeys, stray dogs or birds.
  • Always wear a seatbelt, even in a taxi.
  • If traveling by car, plan to stop driving to give yourself and the kids a break about every two hours.
  • Never leave your child alone in a car, even for just a minute.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics 

For more information on The Youth Clinic Travel Clinics or to schedule an appointment, call 970-267-9510.